Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SQuirreL (IRLS 672-Unit 10)

I don't know why, but SQL makes me think of the world "squirrel" lol. Anyway, learning SQL wasn't much harder technically that the other stuff we've been doing, but I think it was really challenging conceptually. It's hard to visualize a relational database and what needs to be in there and how to search it. We're all really familiar with the user interface, but the interface is so different that the actual data behind the scenes. It's kinda like using a googledoc to do a survey in that the people taking the survey see a nice pretty form that they just fill in, while I get to see an ugly spreadsheet of everyone's answers. The pretty is nicer, but the ugly is certainly more useful. They say ignorance is bliss, but we're too far down the rabbit hole to stop now!

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