Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First DigIn Course Nearly Complete! (IRLS672-Unit 11)

Looking back on this summer semester, I can't believe how much information we got through and how far I've come. I went from vague recollections of DOS to pwning the command line! Actually, I have a loooong way to go, but I think I'm off to a good start. We've gone through linux, nano, hmtl, websites, servers, tech plans, databases, php scripting, and will soon be covering project management. Not bad for a summer course!

This class showed me that digital librarianship may be a bit more complicated than I initially thought, but it also showed me that I can accomplish a lot when I put my mind to it. I'm determined to not have to rely on an IT department every time I need a tiny thing. I think all librarians should have some of this tech knowledge in order to be empowered, not threatened, in the digital age.

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