Monday, June 13, 2011

So many users, so little time... (IRLS672-Unit 4)

So this week we tried out 3 different ways to add users: command line, gnome, and webmin. I actually found command line to be the quickest since you just have to type the commands and don't have to click through a bunch of menus. However, if I didn't have the instructions in front of me, it would have probably taken me longer to look up the proper commands. Gnome was the worst, I think, since it takes some exploring to find the user/group management area. However, I did accidentally add a user before I added the group and it automatically added the group for me, so that was cool. Webmin was really user-friendly, but I had to leave the command line to do it. Overall, I think I just need to focus on remembering command line terms instead of trying to GUI myself around it.

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