Monday, June 20, 2011

Learning with Style (IRLS672-Unit 5)

This week we read about different learning styles. I think this is a useful topic to touch on in all classes, since it really defines what tasks we are going to relate to best and what way we should structure our learning. I'm definitely a fan of more interactive materials (videos, podcasts, etc), but I also find written material very useful, especially as a brief overview of a topic. I'm a total fan of wikipedia entries when I am exploring new territory. I know that it is not scholarly research and that there may be some factual errors, but I've found them to be a good way to wrap my head around a subject before delving into the details. I think that this reflects my personal learning style...

Active versus Reflective:
I think that I'm more of a reflective learner than an active learner because I like to soak everything in before giving my opinion and I prefer working alone. However, I've become a bit more active since being in the SIRLS program because the online format necessitates that we interact frequently since we never see each others' faces.

Sensing versus Intuitive:
I think I am more of an intuitive learner than a sensing learner because I can easily grasp the "big ideas," and hate getting bogged down by memorizing dates and numbers and such. However, I think that I'm also sensing some of the time because I like things (like class) to have a defined structure.

Visual versus verbal:
Like noted earlier with respect to the class materials, I think I am mostly visual, but also verbal. In fact, when I am trying to remember things I read, I often try to picture the page I read it on to recall the facts.

Sequential versus Global:
This is the hardest thing for me to decide. I like the order & structure of sequential, but I like to see the big picture and understand why I'm doing things instead of just doing them. So, maybe I'm a mix of both?

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