Thursday, August 4, 2011

Project Management (IRLS672-Unit 12)

I enjoyed Cervone's "How Not to Run a Digital Library Project." It was written in a conversational style and was unique among the articles for this week.

His DON'T tips included:
-not bothering to understand project requirements
-forgetting to plan because it's too time consuming
-committing to a budget and schedule before knowing what you're actually supposed to do
-using WAG as a best guess
-adding more personnel when a project is running behind
-ignoring the critical path
-not worrying about the project's potential downfalls
-adding things to the project once it's already in motion
-and believing you don't need outside help at all

Project management seems to be quite complex because you need to be a jack-of-all-trades, a psychic, and a good leader/coach/mentor. However, if done right, project management can provide the needed results on time and on budget.

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